Wednesday, October 1, 2008


If you want to see my zoom animation pls. click the zoom below!!!!


this is a zoom effect done in macromedia flash 8!!!!
It's so easy to do but can provide very beautiful output!!!!
hope you can do it also!!!!

Friday, September 26, 2008

Flash Tutorials on motion and shape tween

this tutorial is about the motion and shape tween, the target audience of this video are people who are beginning to enter the world of animation. Although the video is nice but its not that clear and proper so I suggest that they should make their video much interesting by presenting beautiful and more presentable work so that it would not be that boring and also they should make clear instruction for the viewers to be able to follow the whole tutorial!!!!

thnx!!!!so hurry up and try it!!!!!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

The Phil. BLOG Awards 2

My pick for this year's BLOG Awards is SEED INTERACTIVE.
because the blog is so nice and inspires me in the Industry that I'm in to.

Awards so that your vote will also be considered as your entry to a raffle of great prizes. The sponsors are:

Level Up! Games
Blog Bank
Smart Communications
Josiah’s Catering
Rsun Technology Store
XFM 92.3
Buddy Gancencia Reality TV
Ultravision Photo and Video
Click Booth
Aloha Board Sports
Sheero Media Solutions
Belo Medical Group
ROAM Magazine

Friday, September 12, 2008

"Defense of the Ancient!!"

Defense of the Ancients (often referred to as DotA) is a custom scenario for Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne, based on the "Aeon of Strife" map for StarCraft. The objective of the scenario is to destroy the opponents' "Ancient". The two teams' ancients are heavily guarded structures at opposing corners of the map. Players use powerful units known as heroes, and are assisted by allied heroes and AI-controlled fighters called "creeps". As in role-playing games, players level up their hero and use gold to buy equipment during the mission.

The scenario was developed with the World Editor of Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos, and was updated upon the release of the Warcraft expansion The Frozen Throne. There have been many variations of the original concept; currently, the most popular is DotA Allstars, which has been maintained by several authors during development.

Since its release, Allstars has become a feature at several worldwide tournaments, including Blizzard Entertainment's BlizzCon and the Asian World Cyber Games, as well as the Cyberathlete Amateur and CyberEvolution leagues; Gamasutra declared that DotA was perhaps the most popular "free, non-supported game mod in the world".


this game is so cool, i never been to computer games before but when my friends introduce me to this game I become addicted to it so I can't hardly stop playing sota because it so great...because in this game I can prove to my friends that I reign supreme among all of them
and one thing that i like from this game is that you learn plan for stratefies in order to win just like in our life you need to plan for the success of your life and also teamwork cause I believe you can't win this game If you will play your own learn to be with your teammate and for sure they could hardly beat you up.....

If you want to play with us just go near the Ateneo de Zamboanga near chinitos...zamboanga city!!!heheheh!!!I'll see you then...

Saturday, September 6, 2008

SkAteBoarD MaGaziNe

Friday, August 29, 2008

A LovE Story

this is video depicts a love story of the two animals.....and its true also to us humans...

hope you like this video....

Friday, August 15, 2008


i used sange yasha so that i can tank coz we lack a tanker ...fortunately we won the game but I'm not saying that it's all bcoz of me but we won because of our teamwork....ahahahaha

Friday, August 8, 2008


bloodseeker godlike!!!!!!ahahahah

Thursday, July 17, 2008


Creating a notebook cover using Adobe Illustrator!!!

^^++RSS ICON++^^

Adobe Illustrator using gradient mesh and pathfinder!!!

Friday, July 11, 2008

^^++Solid Waste Management++^^

Let's help our Motherland!!!!

Thursday, May 29, 2008


Monday, May 26, 2008

Supermario's 1UP

Saturday, May 17, 2008


Friday, May 16, 2008


Kind a dreamy rockstar effects!!!!heehehe
Try this!!!!









Thursday, May 8, 2008




Wednesday, May 7, 2008





Sunday, May 4, 2008



Friday, May 2, 2008

^^Digital Dentistry^^



Thursday, May 1, 2008




Tuesday, April 29, 2008

^^Skin Retouching^^



Friday, April 25, 2008

^^Earth Day Celebration^^

Earth is the home to millions of species, including humans, Earth is the only place in the universe where life is known to exist. Scientific evidence indicates that the planet formed 4.54 billion years ago, and life appeared on its surface within a billion years. Since then, Earth's biosphere has significantly altered the atmosphere and other abiotic conditions on the planet.(

Global Warming is the increase in the average temperature oft he earth's near surface air and oceans(, As a human being and as a part of of this world I am responsible to take care of this environment that I'm living.

As a student I can't do big task to minimize the global warming that we're experriencing now but I can do little things taht I'm sure can contribute in order to overcome this big problem.

I usually Shut off the computer when not in use, because I can save 200 lbs of C02 and Conserve energy by using your computer's "sleep mode" instead of a screensaver.

Instead instead of driving in a short distance I encourage you to just walk or jogg or ride in a bike because we can save one pund of carbon dioxide in every mile we pass.

I will suggest you guys to watch the movie "An Inconvinient Truth" because this movie is so great which talks about the global warming and its effect in our m0ther land.

I told my parents to replace our old appliances with the new ones because inefficient appliances waste alot of energy and we can save a hundreds of carbon dioxide if we had new appliances.

I have buy a bracelet made from 100% scrap leather by roots and 100% of the net proceeds will go to the "stop global warming fund" and I'm happy that my money have contribute in order to stop this crisis.

When my my told me to wash our dishes I usually full the dishwasher before running it because I believe that I can save much energy of carbon dioxide and at the same time can save money.

I use printer paper that are 100% recycled paper so that I can save a little bit of cabon dioxide.

I stored things that can still be use and usually recycled them because I know that in this little way of mine I'm can save our mother earth.

I plant trees in our backyard because this trees sucks up carbon dioxide make clean air for us to breathe.

I buy stuffs that are less packaging so that I can leesen my garbages.

I use cloth bags instead of plastic bags if my mother told me to buy some food in the market because in this way I can reduce my waste.

I unpluged our electronic devices when it's unused because even the electronics are turn off it still consume energy that's its better if we just unpluged them in order for us to save energy and same money as well.

I hope that these practices of mine will inspire you to start saving carbon dioxide in order for us to stop the global warming crisis that were up to.......Help save our mother earth for the younger generation!!!


Thursday, April 24, 2008


"Help SAVE our mother earth"

Saturday, April 19, 2008

"An evaluation of the corporate identity of the De La Salle University

In August 1924, the De La Salle University used the color green and white, where the color green was adopted as a tribute to the Ireland, where the majority of the first batch of the De La Salle Christian Brothers came from, while the white color symbolizes the Philippines, from "The pearl of the orient sea" which means pearly white, the University then uses the color green and white and use the nickname greenies, today, green and white is used as the name of the University's yearbook.